Proudly Australian
Quality event first aid providers based out of Toowoomba

Managing Director: Russel Jones
Proudly Family owned and operated
At Country style first aid services, our mission is to provide the best first aid service possible for all events
We are Country Style First Aid Services and our company was started in 2017.
Based in Toowoomba we service a large area of Qld & Northern NSW. Fully stocked vehicles allow us to move injured persons off arenas to await the arrival of an ambulance. We supply marquees for shade & privacy during treatment and are fully covered with Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurances. Country Style First Aid Services is affiliated with the Australian Camp Draft Association and the National Rodeo Association.
Our staff are equipped with skill capabilities ranging from trauma nurse to advanced first aid responders and certificate level 3 & 4 medics. Most of our staff have over 10 years experience in rodeo, camp drafting, polo & polocrosse, go-karts, equestrian, agricultural show circuit and community events. We are available to cover events 24/7 and our staff are happy to work long hours when required.

“As a provider of first aid services for events. Country Style First Aid Services is a specialist provider of scalable first aid and medical services to the Darling Downs, South-West Queensland and Northern-Central New South Wales. A proudly family run business, Country Style First Aid Services contracts Health Care Professionals from Queensland Health, Queensland Ambulance Service, the Australian Defence Force and many other organisations to bring safe, reliable and cost effective medical services to hundreds of clients in motor sports, community festivals, equestrian, endurance sports and public events.”